There are two kind of CLI tools for Synaps. Those are AWS CLI and cwutil of boto.
Using AWS CLI is a good way to manage service.
You need to install AWS CLI and setup your credentials in the config file.
to install AWS CLI,
$ pip install awscli
Configuration file path is ~/.aws/config. It looks like below.
aws_access_key_id = ACCESS-KEY
aws_secret_access_key = SECRET-KEY
region = us-east-1
Usage example,
$ aws --endpoint-url http://synaps.service.url:3776/monitor cloudwatch list-metrics
For more details, see
Using cwutil in the boto, you can also manage service. Use spcs branch of boto. which is added more CLI functions based on the original cwutil of boto.
to install cwutil(spcs branch),
$ pip install
Usage example,
To list metrics.
$ cwutil ls
To list metrics in SPCS/SYNAPS namespace.
$ cwutil ls SPCS/SYNAPS
cwutil’s usage is,
Usage: cwutil [command]
delete_alarm -
Delete Alarm
disable_alarm_actions -
Enable alarm actions.
alarmName: Alarm name to activate action.
enable_alarm_actions -
Enable alarm actions.
alarmName: Alarm name to activate action.
help -
Print help message, optionally about a specific function
history -
List alarm history
ls -
List metrics, optionally filtering by a specific namespace
namespace: Optional Namespace to filter on
ls_alarm -
Describe list of alarms.
put -
Publish custom metrics
namespace: The namespace to use; values starting with "AWS/" are reserved
metric_name: The name of the metric to update
dimensions: The dimensions to use, formatted as Name:Value (such as QueueName:myQueue)
value: The value to store, mutually exclusive with `statistics`
statistics: The statistics to store, mutually exclusive with `value`
(must specify all of "Minimum", "Maximum", "Sum", "SampleCount")
timestamp: The timestamp of this measurement, default is current server time
unit: Unit to track, default depends on what metric is being tracked
put_alarm -
Put MetricAlarm
statistic: default "Average"
comparison: default ">"
threshold: default 90
unit: default None
period: default 60
evaluation_periods: default 1 minute
description: default None
alarm_actions: default None
insufficient_data_actions: default None
ok_actions: default None
stats -
Lists the statistics for a specific metric
namespace: The namespace to use, usually "AWS/EC2", "AWS/SQS", etc.
metric_name: The name of the metric to track, pulled from `ls`
dimensions: The dimensions to use, formatted as Name:Value (such as QueueName:myQueue)
statistics: The statistics to measure, defaults to "Average"
'Minimum', 'Maximum', 'Sum', 'Average', 'SampleCount'
start_time: Start time, default to now - 1 day
end_time: End time, default to now
period: Period/interval for counts, default to 60 minutes
unit: Unit to track, default depends on what metric is being tracked